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your opportunity to shine at the 2024 crc memorial tennis event

Tennis enthusiasts hold dual significance: they are both key consumers and influential business leaders. By contributing a nominal donation, your brand gains visibility among our participants throughout the tournament and beyond. This sponsorship not only enhances the experience for the players by covering the essentials—venue, food, and beverages—but also directs a significant portion of your tax-deductible contribution towards the lifesaving efforts of Breaking the Silence New Mexico, a nonprofit organization that promotes mental health literacy, advocacy, and well-being for teens, youth, and adults through education and personal stories.

It’s noteworthy that our event is brought to life by the dedication of volunteers, ensuring that 100% of proceeds are allocated towards our charitable goals without any deductions for administrative or managerial costs.

Would you like to Sponsor This Event?

If you would like to sponsor this event, please download this form, fill it out, and mail it with your preferred sponsorship package with a check payable to Breaking the Silence New Mexico.

Sponsorship Packages:

Ace Sponsor—$2,500/ Includes a separate profile page on the event website, company logo listed on the tournament’s sponsorship page or refreshment table, company logo featured in headline position on the commemorative event T-shirt, company banner displayed at the tournament, sponsorship acknowledgment throughout the tournament on PA system, free entry for two teams.

Match Sponsor— $2000/ Includes a separate profile page on the event website, company logo listed on the tournament’s sponsorship page or refreshment table, company logo featured in headline position on the commemorative event T-shirt, company banner displayed at the tournament, sponsorship acknowledgment throughout the tournament on PA system, free entry for two teams.

Set Sponsors—$1,500/ Includes company logo listed on the tournament’s sponsorship page or refreshment table, company logo featured in headline position on the commemorative event T-shirt, free entry for one team.

The Game Sponsor—$1000/ Includes company logo listed on the tournament’s sponsorship page or refreshment table, free entry for one team

Other Donors/ Includes company logo and/or name listed on the tournament’s sponsorship page

For any inquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities, please feel free to reach out to us at

If your sponsorship package includes promotional items, we request your donation and company logo in EPS, SVG, or Adobe Illustrator format by May 1, to guarantee your branding materials are prepared in time for the event. Should your artwork not be available in one of the specified vector formats, we offer assistance in converting high-resolution images. In such instances, kindly submit your artwork by April 25, allowing us the necessary time for processing.

Join us in making a difference through this captivating partnership, where your support not only elevates your brand but also contributes to pivotal mental health and wellness initiatives.

Donate To The Cause

This tournament is to promote mental health awareness and to get education out to students and families through donations to Breaking the Silence NM. Breaking the Silence New Mexico is a nonprofit organization that promotes mental health literacy, advocacy, and well-being for teens, youth, and adults through education and personal stories.  Our core programs share the goal of ending the stigma, shame, silence, and secrecy surrounding mental illness and suicide. 

Donate Now – Serve it Up For Life!